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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DIY Tuesday!

Hello lovelies! 
I finally finished my DIY, so I can't wait to share it with you guys! Let me know in the comments or send me an email (on the contact us page) to let me know what you think! And if there are any DIY's that you guys want me to try, then please leave a comment or send me an email!

- scarf with a fringe 
- scissors (preferably fabric scissors) 
- thread
- needle 

1) Fold the scarf in half lengthwise 

2) Separate the fringe into three sections

3) From your first section, take about 6 threads

8) And double knot them (tying them together twice). Repeat until you have tied all of the threads together.

9) After you've tied them all together, cut off the fringes until they're approximately a centimetre long

10) Taking your needle and thread, sew together the gaps between the tied fringes in order to make the scarf last longer. (I did this DIY with two scarves, and I only sewed together the purple one).


I hope you guys enjoyed this DIY tutorial! Send us a photo of your new infinity scarves or tag us on Instagram to be featured in our next post! 
Remember to plus one this post if you liked it and comment below to request another DIY!

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