Hello there!
I'd just like to thank all of our beautiful readers who've stayed with us even when we don't post and we've said we will. We love you all, and without you guys, I don't think I would've had the motivation to continue this blog with Stina.
Speaking of Stina, GO READ HER OOTW POST. This is very important, and I honestly don't care what you're doing right now, be it sitting on the bus, baking, doing homework, whatever. Take a minute or two to read her post because I can guarantee it'll make you smile or make you feel a little happier. I linked the post to the entire paragraph I just wrote so you don't have any excuse for not going and reading it.
Here is your long awaited OOTW - Sunday Edition! Hopefully these outfits will inspire your own for the week ahead! Have a good week everyone!
Don't forget to comment, email us or +1 if you enjoyed this post! All pictures from Pinterest.
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